Sunday, September 28, 2008

Political Cartoons: why?

So politicians say they will do something, but they cant. Seems simple enough. This entertaining cartoon is referring to the up coming election. There are 4 representatives that are referred to, Jack Layton, New Democratic Party, Stephane Dion, Liberal Party, and Stephen Harper, Conservative Party, and an average citizen representing more than just himself. Candidates are trying their best to gain votes by telling everyone what they can do better, and what they can fix. Now in this cartoon, the artist has highlighted the truth, and what will really happen. So I do believe that this cartoon is correct in a way. If we look at this situation from a different point of view, we may get a new opinion. Example; if we were one of the candidates, and we came up with the issue of high gas prices, then further on in discussion you end up finding out another problem. After that, more issues appear and you lose track of where you started. Nothing gets done in that case, and this candidate is a very busy person. All in all, these candidates are great people, but when they are linked to politics, who knows. So these many cartoons you seem to find entertaining, may have truth behind them, and could help sway votes for the up coming election.

1 comment:

T. Malloff said...

You're a thoughtful blogger, Brooke. How succesful do you think the cartoonist was in presenting the issue? What was hilited in terms of how the issue was presented? I like how you spoke of each candidate getting mired in election issues to the point of paralysis.